This is the second post in a three-part series. I signed up for Devorah Sisso Stieglitz’s Breakthrough class. Although I got to take the class for free, all opinions are my own.
In Part 1 I discussed what the Breakthrough class is about, why I took it and the beginning of my journey. Now that I’ve completed the work, I’m sharing what I gained from it, how my life changed and what my next plans are.
Making Hard Decisions
After beginning this class I realized that the best way I can spend more time with my kids and be less stressed was to find a new job. My job had become so stressful and required so many hours. Up until that point I had been randomly applying to jobs, but was not emotionally ready to leave the company I had been with for over 8 years. My work arrangement was so flexible and I had great benefits. Would I be able to find a new job that was just as good? Would I be willing to give up some of what I had?
“Have a goal. Work towards it. Because there is not a thing more fulfilling than reaping the fruits of your labor.”
― Amanda Shivrattan
Through the beginning of this class I prepared myself to leave my company. While there were some great opportunities there, the environment was no longer good for me. I was finally able to give up this part of my career.
Taking Action
The next thing I did was apply to jobs like a mad-woman. I reached out to former colleagues and spent time researching available positions. I also refined my resume and spent more time working on job applications. I was determined that this was the way to go. Positive, encouraging thoughts filled my mind every time I sat at the computer to do this. I could find a new job with work-life balance. I could find a job in a good company. I could find a job that would accommodate my lifestyle. There had to be a job out there for me!
What I Learned
And you know what happened? I got a call from a company I had applied to a month before. I then had an interview with them… and then when I thought I wouldn’t get the job, they called me back in for another interview. And then I got a job offer. At a good company. With really nice people. With a calmer environment, a closer commute and a flexible work arrangement. It wasn’t perfect, but it was what I needed.
My negative thoughts had been holding me back. I thought I’d never find a new job, but the minute I truly believed it, that was when it all changed.
Communication with Hashem was Key
I know I didn’t mention it, but a large part of this class was focused on communicating with Hashem. During the time of my job search, that is what I had been doing. Even if I didn’t have time to daven, I still had time to talk to Hashem. I still had time to believe that whatever happened- whether or not I would find a new job, that was from Hashem and it was what was best for me and my family at that time.
Believing that Hashem gives you what you need and having positive thoughts = the winning combination.
What’s Next in my Journey
So although I’m sure not everyone has a life-changing experience after taking this class, it was totally worth making the time for it. (stay tuned for part #3 to see how I made time for this)
It changed my perspective on life, it made me believe that things are possible and it altered the way I was thinking to be positive.
The things I loved most:
- Anyone can gain from this class. It wasn’t meant for perfect people to make themselves better. It was meant for real people with real struggles.
- Devorah shared a lot about her personal life and gave great examples of others struggles along the way. She shared some of her challenges, which was so helpful for me. Knowing that the positive person giving the class did not have a perfect life made it seem much more do-able and realistic.
- I can listen to the classes whenever I want to. As many times as I want to. I felt like the affirmation I shared with you was the only one I worked on. The others were too intense and I could only focus on one at a time, so the plan is that I will take this class again and focus on detoxing from more negative thoughts. One at a time.
Stay tuned for Breakthrough Part #3: How I Found Time to Take a 6-Week Class. To read the entire series, click here.
Until next time,