I don’t like what I have, but don’t know what I want…

Do you keep a list of things you want to buy? I don’t usually write mine down, but I do have a mental list of items in my life that I’d like to upgrade or replace.

Here’s what’s on my list now:

New dining room tablecloths – ours are white and 10 years old so they have stains that don’t come out. Not sure what I want to replace them with. Also I don’t know which stores would be good to shop in for a custom look.

Headphones – I hate earbuds and want to go back to the type of headphones that came with my Walkman

Shoes – I need new black heels. I just don’t have the patience to shop for them.

Glasses– I’ve had my current pair of glasses for a few years already. I don’t know what the current style is, but I do know that it’s not what I have.

As you can see this list is not things I need. I suffer from decision fatigue and that’s why some of these items have been on my list for a long long time. I don’t have a clear picture of what I want. All I know is that I don’t like what I have or what I have is old, ragged and should not be used anymore. Maybe in another life I can have someone shop for me? That is also a dream of mine.

How do you handle decision making? What’s on your list for replacement?

Until next time,