Last week we welcomed our third son into our family! B”h the birth went quick and easily even though it didn’t go exactly the way I had planned it.
During this pregnancy I was debating whether or not to blog about it, but decided not to for several reasons that I won’t go into. Now that I survived working through another pregnancy I’ll share some of my positive and some not so positive work experiences, but before that, here’s my “birth story.”
Since I was a week late with DS2 I had “planned” to be a week late this time too. I figured that with my 12-week maternity leave, plus 5 leftover 2012 vacation days, my total leave would take me through Pesach, which would’ve been awesome! Then I’d have all my 2013 vacation days to use! I also would’ve had a few days before the birth to get my house in order! I was really looking forward to those few days…
The plan was perfect. Emails were sent to my boss and everything was approved. Only problem was that even though I had planned everything out, Hashem had a completely different plan for us.
The night before DS3 made his appearance was my brother’s engagement party. Since I *knew* I’d be late I didn’t worry about making it to the party. In fact, I was really looking forward to it. We had our babysitter in place and it was going to be my “last” night out alone with DH. We got to the party- me in my biggest black maternity sweater (since none of my other maternity clothes fit anymore) and we were having a great time. About an hour later I was getting tired, so I sat down on a couch right next to my grandfather. All of a sudden I started having contractions, but I *knew* that is was false labor, since I had had similar contractions the week before. I also wasn’t due for another 2 days and there was no way I was going to be early… after all, the plan was to be a week late!
So after 20 minutes of contractions I decided it was time to leave the party. DH and I said our good-byes to whoever we saw on the way out and made our way home. Of course the contractions stopped as soon as we walked in the door, but we weren’t going back to the party. Instead I showered and went to sleep.
At around 4am the contractions started again, but no matter which position I’d be in, they didn’t stop! Not how I planned, so I figured this was a good time to change my plan. I got up, packed a bag for the kids (my bag was already in the car) and called the doctor. As expected, the doctor told me to make my way to the hospital. I woke up DH, we put the kids in the car, dropped them off at my parents house, which was on the way to the hospital, and continued on.
Once at the hospital, the doctor made it clear that this was real labor and I wasn’t going home. A few short hours later {sparing you the details} DS3 came into the world and we couldn’t be happier!
Until next time,