January 2012 KosherOAMC Menu Plan

This past month we did a cooking plan that combined some new recipes and some old favorites. The food came out delish and froze well. It’s almost all gone, which means that I have to start working on my next plan!

Since we didn’t have a full day to cook everything, we divided it over a few evenings. I’d prefer to spend one day doing all the cooking, like I’ve done in the past, but I just didn’t have a day to spend doing it.

So, here’s what we made:

I know it’s a lot of kugels, but that’s what my kids eat, so we stick with what works.  No dessert this time. I decided that I’d rather have homemade food than homemade dessert and since I didn’t have much time we just bought dessert.  My only complaint was that the meatloaf was way too salty. I’m not sure if it’s because I put in too much salt or because I used soy sauce instead of Worcestershire sauce… either way, I would try the recipe again since it was nice and moist, but I’d cut down on the salt big time.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the entire plan to post here.  The original plan did not include all the recipes above and included some others that we decided not to make last minute.  The ones we didn’t make- I hope to include them in future plans, because they looked good, but because of time, I just couldn’t do it.  Make sure to check out some of my other KosherOAMC plans. You should also read more about KosherOAMC and why it’s so great, if you’re not already doing it!

What have you frozen lately?  We’re always looking for something new!

Until next time,