Summer is always the season I look forward to towards the end of the school year, but then can’t wait for it to end.
After Shavuos I was done with homework. Done with having everyone up, dressed, fed and in the car by 8am. And just done with the tight routine we had.
Since I absolutely HATE the heat, I am making a point this summer to embrace the season, not wish it away.
I spend time riding bikes with my kids, playing ball, reading with them and just taking walks around the block with them.
Just the other day we were outside in the boiling heat riding bikes and then in an instant we were in bathing suits spraying the hose to cool off.
These are the memories we’re making and I don’t think we’d be able to do it so freely if we had our school schedule all year round.
Even though I don’t have an official summer vacation, I’m making sure to enjoy the one my kids have.
How are you spending your summer? Isn’t this quite a change in attitude since my post a few years ago about how I hate summer?
Until next time,