Moving Tips so You Don’t Have to Stress

It’s been two years since we moved and I still remember how surprised I was when I realized how much stuff we had. I had already done my closet purge and thought my stuff would all fit in a small box, but that was not the case. Stuff takes up way more room than we think!

And now my dear sisters have learned the same lesson, lol.

One of my sister’s upped and moved across the country to Las Vegas. Wishing her and her family much hatzlacha in their new adventure!

And my other sister is moving into her first house very soon! Enjoy having a washing machine of your own!

With each move comes a ton of stress and anxiety but it doesn’t have to be that way. So, while it seems off-season to post with moving tips, moving doesn’t always wait for the summer!

I had been saving these tips for February- the anniversary of our move, it makes it even more appropriate to post now when my two sisters are moving!

My tips for an easy move:

  • Purge, purge, purge
  • When you think you’re done, purge some more.
  • Use towels and linen to wrap delicates
  • Buy the right supplies- boxes, a sharpie, packing tape and dispenser
  • Label all boxes

When you’re feeling stressed, just remember it’s worth it! In the end you’ll be exactly where you want to and you won’t have to live out around of boxes forever!

Until next time,