I’m not a huge reader and much prefer magazines and blogs over books, but there were quite a few titles that kept popping up. I was able to buy all of these books used, at discounted rates, with my Barnes and Noble gift card, so I took the plunge. Now I just have to make the time to read them!
I’ve been working really hard at going to bed early (by 11pm) and I’ve been making reading part of my nighttime routine. So far so good. I’m already plowing through my first book.
So here’s what I bought and why I want to read it:
Lean In
As a working woman I’ve heard a ton about Sheryl Sandburg and her Lean In movement, but wasn’t really sure what it was about or where it came from. I decided I had to read this book, because every time I speak to my brother about something work related the first question he asks me is, “Did you lean in?” Hopefully, by the next time he asks me that I will know what he means.
The Fringe Hours
One of the blogs I follow has repeatedly mentioned this book. From what I gather, it’s a book about how to use the time you already have more wisely to accomplish more. Who wouldn’t want to do that?
Unfinished Business
I think by now all working moms have heard of Anne-Marie Slaughter and her article in The Atlantic about how women can’t have it all. I completely agreed with her and would like to read more on her opinion of how we can make work-life balance better for all parents. I’m excited about this book and am curious how it compares to the ideas in Lean In.
So wish me luck as I try to find time to read all these goodies!
Until next time,