My Month in Review: February 2015

month_in_reviewI cannot believe Purim is this week!  The kids are all set with their costumes, DH bought food for shalach manos and I think we’re all set.  All I have to do is figure out if it’s worth it to travel into work on Wednesday.  I have no idea what time I’ll hear megilla, but I’m pretty sure it will not be early.  Yes, I’m one of those people that need a 10pm reading.
personal_growthThere was a lot of snow this month, which means we spent a lot of time at home.  Which also means I had a lot of opportunities to work on my ‘personal growth’ if you know what I mean.  I didn’t always pass – I am less than perfect and my kids remind me of that every single day.  I realize that I have to just not try to always balance family and work.  Instead I just have to focus on one at a time at 100% capacity in order to be productive and not drive myself crazy.

One thing I did that I was super proud of was that I let my 4 year old son play outside in the snow one day when he came home from school.  I was able to tell that he didn’t do enough “running around” at school.  He had way too much energy and needed an outlet.  10 minutes after moving snow from one side of the walkway to the other he was ready to come inside.  Those 10 minutes made a huge difference in our evening and I still can’t believe how in tune I’ve started to become with a child who is so different than me.  I hope I can keep it up!healthy_livingIn all honesty I had one muffin this month.  I’ve been so good about bringing my lunch from home, so this really was a one-time thing.  It was a planned lunch date with a co-worker, which I do not do very often anymore.

DH also got me one of those health tracker things (he got it for free), but I haven’t had time yet to figure out how it works.  That’s my goal for next month.
meaningful_spendingThis month I found myself spending a little extra money on activities for my kids- new markers, paper, stickers, etc.  Things that will keep them busy during a snow day stuck inside.  I also did some online shopping at Walmart.  I prefer to go to stores, but really didn’t have any time to run around.  I got decent enough prices and now I don’t have to run around looking for diaper cream, new sippy cups for Pesach, Shabbos shirts for the older boys and other random stuff that a place like Walmart sells.

How was your month? 

Until next time,