Summer is half way over! We’ve been enjoying a more relaxed schedule, but have not been liking the hot weather. I think this will be a short post. I feel like even though I have not taken vacation this summer, I am sorta on vacation because everyone else is. Needless to say, it feel like I haven’t done much in the past month…
Tisha B’av was a time for me to reflect on how I spend my time. I wrote about it here. Now with Ellul very close, I will have to try and work on myself in different ways. I will be starting slowly and already have some things in mind. I don’t know if I’ll be sharing them on the blog, but hope that this will motivate you to join me!
I found my tracker! It was lost for around a week, but really it was in my pocketbook all along. Anyway, so I am back to tracking my steps. I haven’t been that good on my diet, but hope that August will change all that. One thing I can say is that I’ve been enjoying summer fruits. Instead of buying cake for Shabbos dessert, we’ve been having watermelon and cantaloupe. I’m proud of that, especially since it’s been really hard for me not to have chocolate on Shabbos!
School supply sales! I took some time to take advantage of these great deals and now we’re all set for school. I just need a few more things like tissue boxes, Purell and flushable wipes. This sounds more like bathroom supplies than school supplies, but whatever. I’ve seen these types of items on many class lists and while I think it’s absolutely ridiculous I will be sending them anyway. Can’t embarrass the kiddos more than necessary.
So, now that summer is half over, do you prefer the freedom of summer or the routine of winter?
Until next time,