My Month in Review: November 2015


This month has been crazy busy!  Between flu shot appointments, DS’s Chumash party, and Thanksgiving, I feel like we need a break!  Luckily, I don’t think we have too much planned for this upcoming month, so I’m welcoming some quiet Sundays and a less busy work season.


I’ve really been trying to get to bed earlier.  Instead of playing on my phone for hours, I don’t even bring it upstairs anymore.  Instead, it stays plugged in on our kitchen counter.  I also started reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and I’m hoping it does just that.  A life-changing book?  I’m willing to give it a try 🙂 .


Not much of an update here.  Wish I would’ve written this section before Thanksgiving.  In effort to be completely honest, I will tell you that all of the food I’ve eaten this month has been delicious.  It just has not been healthy.  I am however wondering if I’ll be able to find time to use the elliptical.  I’m not sure how I’ll be able to work it into my schedule, but at least it’s a thought that’s popped into my mind.


This month, my meaningful spending has been the fact that I have not been spending. I haven’t bought any new clothes, makeup or other items this month.  The only extra purchase I’ve made is the book mentioned above.  It was only $10, so definitely not something that will break the bank.

This Month on the Blog

Check out what else I’ve blogged about this month…

So, how was your month?  Did you find you were busier than usual?

Until next time,