My Month in Review: October 2015


The last time I wrote a month in review post was for July 2015. August and September were super busy months with the start of school and all the chagim, so I’m glad I’m getting back on the bandwagon with this!


A few weeks ago my children’s school had a women’s tea. The speaker was wonderful and entertaining. She spoke about tefila and small ways we can connect with Hashem as busy women.

She pointed out that while it might feel like it’s almost impossible to daven from beginning to end every day, we can say three small things as our busy mom davening.  All you need is 5 minutes to say shevach (praise of Hashem), bakasha (a request from Hashem) and hodaah (thanks to Hashem).

3 small steps is something I think I can do… now I just need to set up a reminder on my calendar so I remember to do this!


DH has been so good at eating healthy. He was also good about making a weekly menu plan for the past two weeks. That’s about all I have right now for healthy living 😉


I love sales! Now that the weather’s getting colder, I noticed my boys needed some winter items. I took advantage of a Children’s Place sale + 20% off coupon and our stuff is on its way!

I ordered gloves, hats and some extra school pants for DS1. I also bought regular fleece pants to replace ripped pajama pants. I figured regular pants would last longer and they were cheaper than buying pajamas. We’ll see how that goes.

So how was your month of October?

Until next time,