No matter how much of a minimalist I think I am, there are always areas where I accumulate items that I really need… and one such example is Pesach. When we first made Pesach we were only home for 2-3 days and got away with having the bare minimum, but now that we stay home the entire week our collection naturally grew over time.
So, today I want to share how and where we store our items, how we keep track of what we have, and how we organize everything for use over the week of Pesach.
Year-Round Storage
When we first started making Pesach, we were only home for the last days and had very little food prep to do, so our collection was quite small. We fit everything in 2 bins and stored it in our basement. <insert picture from https://www.happilyhectic.com/2017/04/pesach-2017-prep-menu-and-cleanup>

Now that our collection has grown, we have everything in 4 bins + 2 boxes on top stored in our attic, where there is more space.

Inventory Tracker
I have a Google sheet with my Pesach Inventory – it’s an organized list of everything I have in my Pesach bins, with an additional column for things that I need to remember to buy. I love having a digital version of this list, so when I’m shopping in stores and see something I use for Pesach I can check and see if I need it.

Pesach Organization
The last topic I want to cover here is how I organize my Pesach kitchenware throughout the holiday. I close up most cabinets in my kitchen, except for one- the one that I use to store paper goods year-round. The items in there are not chametz and they are easy to move to a temporary location. I also bring up a set of plastic shelves from the basement and store it in my living room so we have easy access to all of our pots/pans, serving dishes, etc… I also have a few kitchen drawers that I think will be easy to empty out so I may use those as well.
How do you organize your Pesach items in your home?
Until next time,