Making the Most of My Summer

Summer is always the season I look forward to towards the end of the school year, but then can’t wait for it to end. After Shavuos I was done with homework. Done with having everyone up, dressed, fed and in the car by 8am.  And just done with the tight …

Lean In: Book Review

One of the books I was determined to read this year was “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg. Unlike Sheryl, I do not have an MBA from Harvard and I’m not the COO of my company, so I was skeptical as to what she could offer to those of us just …

Sweet Potato Quinoa Chili

I’ve been on a kick to try new lunch recipes that I can bring to work for lunch. I prefer pareve, but also wanted something filling and more on the healthy side (read: no pasta). I’ve been experimenting and decided I should try to add quinoa into my diet. I really …