Do you share your goals?

A few years ago there was a study that said that you are less likely to achieve your goals if you announce them. Read this article for more info. Here are two of the points the article mentions: Announcing your goals “creates a premature sense of completeness.” You will feel …

7 Cooking Tips for Busy Moms

Cooking, like laundry, is one of those household chores that always needs to get done and never really ends. As soon as you think you’re done, and maybe even take off a few days, it’s time to start up again. In order to cut down on the time I spend …

Kid’s Chores

I am a huge proponent of having kids help around the house. My husband and I both work full time and need all the help we can get. I don’t make my kids responsible for what parents should be doing, but feel that since we all live in our house …

My Favorites: Clothing

After a few months of working from home full-time I decided it was time to invest in a few casual pieces of clothing. Until this point I had been wearing the same 2 black skirts, because those were the only casual skirts I owned! Even though I’m home doesn’t mean …