My Month in Review: May 2015

I was so excited to finally take advantage of the wonderful weather we’ve had… when DS3 woke up with horrible allergies.  We finally got him on the right medications and we were back outside.  If only the entire summer had nice weather! If you haven’t heard, I’m refocusing.  That’s what …

Blogging on Shavuos

In all my pre-yom tov planning I shopped, cooked, did laundry, put away laundry, made sure my kids had activities to keep them occupied, worked and even pre-scheduled a post. I knew that Shavuos would end late and I wouldn’t get back to blogging until a few days after the …

Kid Snacks Work for Me

Now that I’ve been good about bringing lunch from home, I’m also bringing snacks too. When I first started I took a look in the pantry at what we had and immediately closed it. Nope, none of those snacks were good enough for me. They just wouldn’t do. Since I …

A New Kind of Mom-Guilt

Mom guilt comes in waves and you never know what will cause it. It could come when you compare yourself to others, see your kids struggling, or when you find yourself not managing the home front very well. Lately though I’ve been feeling mom guilt for a new reason. I’ve …