Homemade Hot Lunch at Work

This past Chanuka I bought myself a Crock-Pot® Lunch Crock® Food Warmer.  I was hoping this would encourage me to pack a healthier lunch from home. So far, this thing has been awesome!  I’ve been using it almost every day and haven’t gone out for lunch once since I bought …

I Hate Snow Days

Snow days… Oh snow days… here are the things I hate about you: You throw off my entire schedule. You use up my vacation days.  Since I can’t work from home with all the kids home too, I’ve been working half days. You cause commuting delays the day after. And …

Shabbos Menu: P’ Yisro (Feb 6-7)

Where is the time going? I was preparing this post and realized I typed in February in the post title. It’s February already?!?! With all the snow days, early dismissals, and delayed openings it’s been hard keeping track of which day it is. Since it’s already the end of the …

Winter Break for Less than $50

Our two oldest kids were off from school during the last week of January.  We really wanted to keep vacation costs down and here’s how we did it. Monday My sister came to visit us!  Cousin fun all around for my boys.  They also had a nice trip to the …

My Month In Review: January 2015

Welcome to my new series!  Last year I participated in the 12 Months to a Healthier You Challenge and it was great.  This year however I decided to focus on three specific areas:  personal growth, healthy living, and meaningful spending. Every month I hope to post my accomplishments/disappointments/goals in each …