One Hour Difference

It’s amazing how much difference an hour can make. Since this past Sunday (when we changed the clocks back one hour) my kids have been waking up an hour earlier than usual. 5:30am is quite different than 6:30am. Especially for those of us who are not morning people. The only …

Maxed Out (Book Review)

I’ve been following Katrina Alcorn’s blog, “Working Moms Break” for a while now and was so excited when she posted about her book, Maxed Out: American Moms on the Brink (Seal Press/Perseus Books, September 2013). As soon as the book came out I waited for it to come to my …

Paperless Kitchen Counter

Last month’s challenge was to de-clutter your home.  Well, I didn’t de-clutter my entire home- I think that’s a given… no surprise there.  Who has the time to do that?  But, I figured that I’d share how I keep my kitchen counter neat… in fact, it’s paperless! You see, our …