tAPPing Into Tech: Multi Timer

Tapping into Tech is where I review my favorite apps and tell you why they are super awesome for working moms.   Multi-tasking is something all working moms have plenty of time to practice. I found that setting timers helps me make the best use of my time.  It reminds …

A Meaningful Yom Kippur

When I was in high school I hated that we always had to learn about every holiday.  I didn’t really understand the importance of it.  I was always in a frum environment, was super aware of upcoming holidays and the customs that came along with it. Fast forward a “few” …

Rosh Hashana is Coming!

Sunday Yup, I’m posting on a Sunday.  Not sure what possessed me.  Usually I wait until Monday, but with a busy (short) week ahead, Sunday it is! Computer Part of the reason why I haven’t been posting too much is because our computer is under repair.  DH says it should …