Free Printable 2014 Jewish Calendar

Lately I’ve been looking for some inspiration for organizing my blog posts.  I looked on Pinterest, but nothing really met my needs, since none of the calendars included Jewish holidays.  Of course I could’ve used a plain calendar without any color, but why would I want to do that when …

How I Stopped Nursing

I probably should title this post something more like, “my baby doesn’t want to nurse anymore!” but I won’t do that.  DS3 is over a year old and he is no longer interested in nursing.  I’m lucky that he even nursed that long or rather, I’m amazed at how long …

Pesto & Pizza Wheels

This month’s Kosher Connection linkup is all about Super Bowl/ finger foods.  I decided on something easy (as usual, lol) that kids and adults will enjoy just the same: Pesto and Pizza Wheels.  Pesto for the adults and pizza for the kids.  These were so easy to make, I don’t …

DIY: Hadlakas Neiros Tefila

One of my favorite wedding gifts was a glass statuette with the tefilla a woman says after hadlakas neiros (candle lighting).  It was something I used every week and adorned the small spot on our buffet next to my candlesticks. Well, after having 3 rambunctious boys, said gift fell on …