Freezer Cooking For Pesach

Yes, it is possible!  As a busy, working woman, it can be overwhelming to make Pesach, but with the right amount of planning and the right mindset, it doesn’t have to be that way.  Pesach is the one holiday you can’t really cook for in advance- unless you’re one of …

My One-Handed Maternity Leave

It’s amazing how quickly I forgot about what life was like with a newborn.  DS2 wasn’t born all that long ago, but when DS3 came along, my first thought was, “wow, he’s soooo small!”  As time went on I realized there were a whole bunch of other things I forgot …

Camp Update- The Decision

A few weeks ago I mentioned how nervous I was about the whole summer planning process for DS1.  We don’t have all our plans in place yet, but choosing a camp ended up being easier than I thought. I knew that I only wanted to send DS1 to a local …

Pesach Prep is Underway!

Now that Purim has passed, it’s time to move on to Pesach prep.  I took a look at the list I made last year and remembered that even though we went away for all eight days, there was still plenty that had to be done. Aside from shopping and cleaning …

Purim 2013- Our Shalach Manos

I was never really into themed Shalach Manos until I realized how easy it could be.  You don’t have to do anything elaborate and your theme can include only two items if you want it to. Since we’ve been married, DH has been dying to give out Diet Coke and …