KOAMC: General Recipe Sites

After getting together with some old friends a few weeks ago, the ones who read this blog commented that they really liked the freezer cooking ideas I post.  I’m not much of a cook and don’t usually make my own recipes, but I do a lot of research on freezable …

Back to Work

Well, looks like my time as a work from home mom is over. It’s depressing and sad in so many ways and I really don’t even like talking about it, because of how sad it makes me. I knew that working from home would only be temporary, but when I …

Inside Out Apple Crisp

Happy Chanuka everyone!  This post is part of a Chanukah Blog Party!  See below for links to the party and info on how to enter the GIVEAWAY!  {Giveaway has now been closed} While thinking of traditional freezer-friendly Chanuka foods, I also thought how interesting it would be to think outside …

Freezer Cooking for Chanuka

Almost everyone I know attends some sort of Chanuka party.  I’ve never thrown my own party, but figured with a little advance freezer cooking, it might not be so hard. Here are some links to recipes I found for traditional Chanuka foods that freeze well.  Of course, some things are …

Shopping With Kids

I usually try to avoid shopping with both my kids.  Taking one along is somewhat manageable, but taking both can be a nightmare.  I knew this and still decided to take both kids shopping with me yesterday.  I wanted to go and wanted to spend time with them, so this …

Potato Knish Kugel

This is another recipe I found on a forum and adapted it to make it (in my opinion) easier to make.  It’s more steps than I usually like to make in my cooking expeditions, but I got 3 9″ round kugels out of it, which in my opinion makes it …