Bedtime Routines

 As my kids get older their routines change. I have no complaints about that- I think it’s quite normal; it’s just hard for me to get used to and change my routine along with theirs. Take for example bedtime. When DS2 was about a year old, I would just put …

Tishrei 5773 Re-cap

It’s hard to believe it, but we survived all of yom tov! Since we were away for all of the yomim tovim, but home in between, it feels like most of our time was spent unpacking, doing laundry and re-packing. I lightly modified my packing list and printed a new …

Juggling Tishrei

Every year I forget how hard it is to juggle yom tov and work. This time of year gets so hectic, whether we’re home for yom tov or going away. Cooking/packing takes time and this year I had to throw in special childcare arrangements for DS1 who is in yeshiva …