Business Travels- Preparing at Home

Yesterday I posted about my second business trip. Although the trip was successful, it didn’t happen on its own. Having two young children can make it super hard to take advantage of these types of opportunities, so I knew that I had to have everyone on board before booking my ticket. …

No More Late Night Hours

Working full time definitely makes it harder to get things done. Last week, while driving home from the train station after work, I noticed that my car’s inspection sticker read “07 2012” and I freaked out. Why wasn’t I on top of this? I usually am… and I can’t believe …

Wrong Side of the Bed

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. 4:45am is not a time we should be waking up, but that’s when I woke up. I was about to fall back asleep when DS1 called me from his room to tell me he had another accident. It was …

Modestly Dressed

Dressing modestly is becoming increasingly hard for me as time goes on.  I haven’t worked in a Jewish environment for quite some time, so there’s always that temptation of wanting to dress like everyone else.  Don’t worry- I’m not talking about showing too much skin, but in this hot weather, …