The Neighborly Thing To Do

I always thought the idea of sending meals to a neighbor after childbirth was really nice. It sounded like such a simple way to help out, until I was asked to cook one. Just the thought of providing a meal for a family of 6(!) made me freak out and …

Routine Changes

I apologize for being a little MIA. The beginning of the month is always busy at work and we went away last Shabbos, so there was no Shabbos menu… stay tuned for this week’s. It has yet to be decided, but I can assure you that it will be super …

We Can’t Have it All

Just this past Friday a close friend of mine emailed me about how she recently came to the realization that although she is glad to be a working mom, she cannot agressivly persue her dream career path… at least not now that she has children.  I couldn’t agree with her more and told …