Hobbies? Who Has Time?

Before I got married and had kids I had hobbies.  I took needlepoint classes, went to the gym and enjoyed dinner out with my friends.  After the kids came, all of this stopped.  Instead of going to the gym on my way home I go to daycare and instead of …

I Have to Make Dinner Too?

Now that my kids don’t eat dinner at daycare anymore, I have another thing to add to my “to do” list. They need to eat as soon as we walk in the door, which means that dinner has to be made the night before. So far, I’ve made sandwiches, pasta …

Strictly on Schedule

I never thought people would be insulted by my awesome parenting skills. That is until last night when we attended a Chanukah party that was called for 8pm. My kids usually go to bed before then. If I would’ve brought them, they would’ve fallen asleep in the car and would’ve …