Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air and with every new season, I like new makeup. So, on my lunch break I visited the MAC counter. Since getting married, I only bought makeup once. I miss the excitement that comes with getting all dressed up with different colors. I really wanted a …

Time vs. Money- How I Save Both

 I just wanted to include some of the ways I try to save time and money at the same time: I use my dishwasher. I barely ever use paper/plastic plates and utensils. The prices of paper goods can really add up. I also don’t have to spend all night washing …


There is just so much to do.  Grocery shopping.  Cooking for Shabbos. The laundry is already piling up. Folding clean laundry and wiping down the bathroom sink?  Yeah right.  Changing the linen!?!   Ha!  Maybe next week. By the time Wednesday rolls around, I usually get this overwhelming feeling of “how …


Funding for daycare next year was approved!!!  We (along with many other parents) are so relieved!

The key to my success

The key to my success (and sanity) is my Weekly Schedule.  When I returned to work 12 weeks after DS2’s birth, I felt overwhelmed with everything that needed to be done.  I also knew that I couldn’t expect my husband to know what I wanted accomplished, so I put it all …

Back to work…

I waited all month for Pesach and now it’s over.  Back to work.  Back to our routine.  It’s already Wednesday and we have so much to do.  We have to unpack our suitcases and put everything away.  As DS1 said when he got into the car, it’s time to go back to “our …