Performance Reviews… love them or hate them?

Most corporate type companies (like the ones I’ve worked for) have a formal performance review process that goes on throughout the year. The process usually involves the following:

  • January – March: plan your SMART goals for the year along with milestones
  • July: have a mid-year review to assess the progress you’ve made towards reaching your goals
  • October: write your self-assessment where you rate yourself and how you met your goals
  • December: end of year review where your boss assess how you met your goals and rates your overall performance (read more: Year End Review -3 surefire ways to make it great)

All this is used to determine raises, bonuses and promotions.

While the process isn’t perfect it does make your accomplishments more visible to your boss and his/her boss. All reviews are also available to any future potential boss should you apply for another position internally.

I really enjoy going through this process and take it quite seriously. It gives me a chance to showcase my accomplishments and reflect on what went right, what went wrong and where I want it all to take me in the future.

One tip my former boss gave me was to write down everything I do. Whether it’s once a day, once every other day or once a week, just spend 5 minutes and write it down. It doesn’t have to be written well, but having this list at the end of the year makes writing your self-assessment so much easier! It also makes it easier to remember what you’ve done towards the beginning of the year. I use either a Word document or a OneNote note for this.

So now that the year is winding down, I’ve been spending time working on my self-assessment. I don’t know if it’s just me, but it takes me a really long time to write all of my accomplishments. Maybe I’m just not that good at writing? Either way, I definitely think it’s worth the time I spend on it.

How do you all keep track of your accomplishments throughout the year? Have any tips for year-end reviews?

Until next time,