Plan a Cooking Day (Step 2): Recipes

This series is to help you make the most of your cooking day.
Click here to view the entire series.


With the answers to step #1 (Time and Purpose) in mind, choose your recipes.  If you have an entire day to cook, you can make some more labor-intensive dishes. If you only have an hour, you may want to stick with recipes that don’t require cooking, ones without a lot of chopping or ones you can prep for in advance.

Here are some questions to guide you:

  • Is it freezer-friendly?
  • Will I have time in advance for prep work?  {Steps like chopping and browning meat can definitely be done the night before to save time on your cooking day.}
  • Which appliances will I have available?  {Crock-pots, rice cookers, and bread machines are great ways to maximize your cooking space, especially if you only have one small single oven.}
  • Are there any ingredients I already have that I want to use up?
  • How much of each recipe should I make?  {You may want to double or triple family favorites, but only make one of a new recipe to make sure your family will like it.}
  • Are there any “dump” recipes (don’t need to be cooked on cooking day) I’ll have time to prepare?  {These types of recipes are a breeze to prepare and so helpful to have in the freezer!}

 To find freezable recipes, check out these links:

Stay tuned for step 3…

Until next time,