Power Hour – Our Quick Pre-Shabbos Cleaning Routine

I love watching videos on YouTube. I’m not embarrassed to admit that I watch what some would consider “weird stuff” like people cleaning out their closets and putting on makeup (usually not in the same video).

One theme I kept coming across on all these mom blogs was the concept of a power hour. They allotted themselves one hour to clean. During that hour they just focused on the task at hand and ended up accomplishing a ton more than if they would’ve broken it up.

With 3 kids who seem to collect everything under the sun our house gets super cluttered and it’s hard for me to tidy up each night when I’m so exhausted. So, I’ve implemented my own power hour.

Get your free Power Hour Checklist here!

It started last summer on long Friday afternoons. I’d sign off of work at 5pm, print out our power hour checklist and get everyone started. It was a family power hour and each person was responsible for different tasks. One parent was upstairs, the other downstairs and DH and I supervised the children assigned to our floors.

There was a ton of complaining but we got through it. We played music the kids liked and gave them jobs they were good at. With everyone cleaning together, the kids were more willing to finish their tasks because they couldn’t complain that what they had to do “wasn’t fair” – you know how kids are.

Although my kids couldn’t always work for the entire hour, we definitely accomplished more than we would have without the power hour.

If you’re looking for a quick way to get everyone to help out around the house, then I highly recommend this!

Get your free Power Hour Checklist here!

Until next time,