Happy Purim! I know it isn’t Purim until tomorrow, but since I’m taking the day off, I probably won’t have time to blog 😉
To get the kids prepared for Purim I taught them songs (made use of our travel time to and from daycare) and this past Sunday I printed out coloring book pages for them to color.
We do have many colorful crayons, but both kids like coloring with highlighters, that’s why the pictures are mostly pink and yellow. Anyway, I made sure to hang up their beautiful pictures for everyone to see. They are so proud of their creations!
I’m not much of a baker and even though I wanted to, we did not make hamantashen. I thought it would be a good activity for the kids, but just didn’t have the energy to do it with them. Instead we bought them on our Sunday trip to the supermarket. All the yumminess without any of the work. Just how I like it!
Purim is just one of those days that I’ve come to appreciate. It’s a happy day off I get to spend with family and friends. Wishing everyone a very happy Purim!
Until next time,