School Prep (and free printable!)

School is almost here! I’m excited to get back into a routine, but also not looking forward to being in a routine. You know what I mean?

On the one hand we thrive with a schedule. We know what to do, when to do it and when we follow this, everyone is happy. But at the same time, it was nice having flexibility over the summer. We didn’t have to rush out the door in the morning, didn’t have to do homework and spent much more time doing the things we like.

Luckily our school sent out the class supply lists early so I was able to really shop around. I started off at Target, bought some stuff from Walmart, went back to Target, bought book covers at ShopRite and ordered the rest from Amazon. I honestly think I really enjoy hunting for the best prices. I also love shopping for office/school supplies. I know I’m not the only one out there who enjoys that, so I’m not embarrassed to admit it.

Anyway, we still may need new backpacks, lunch bags and sneakers, but I’ll get there.

I think I got lucky this year. The supplies requested were mostly on the normal side. Sometimes when I read what parents are required to buy I cringe. Does my child really need 6 huge glue sticks? A 3-inch binder? 5 notebooks? Maybe I’m cynical and cheap, but I honestly only want to buy things my kids will use. Other than that, I’d like to spend my hard earned money on the things that I want. Need I say more?

I’m ending my rant now, but just had to stick it in… and yes, I am that parent who checks their kids workbooks at the end of the school year – the ones I had to buy- to see how much of them were actually used.

Free Printable!

With so much to do, I made a free printable for you. Hope it helps get that mental list out of your head so you don’t forget a thing!

Click here to get your FREE To Do List printable!

Here are some additional links you may find helpful as you’re getting back into the swing of things:


Until next time,