Shabbos Menu: P’ Lech L’cha (Oct 31-Nov 1)


Today is “Costume Day” at DS3’s daycare and being that I’m such a great mom, I completely forgot to dress him up.  I doubt he’ll notice, especially since it looked like there were other kids in his class without a costume.  At least I remembered the important part- to send in the requested snack.  Food is always more important than costume 😉

Anyway, I feel like this was the first week we were back in our normal routine.  We went to Costco, so we’re fully stocked!

This week we’re not having any company, so it’s back to our super simple menu!  Here’s what we’re having:

Friday Night:

  • lentil soup (freezer)
  • salad
  • meatballs and cabbage (I hope to share the recipe soon!)
  • sweet potatoes
  • roasted vegetables

Shabbos Lunch:

How was your week?  Are you getting back into your routine now that yom tov is over? 

Have a good Shabbos!

Until next time,