Shabbos Menu Plan: P’ Beshalach (Jan 25-Jan 26)

We survived our first Shabbos home alone with all three kids and are gearing up for a second.  It’s been a long week, one which I was home alone with DS1 (who had off for Yeshiva week vacation) and DS3- just barely three weeks old.  The challenge was that I didn’t want to take DS3 to a place with a million kids and I also didn’t want to go out in 20-degree weather.  So in order to keep DS1 occupied we did a different activity each day, rounded out with videos, Magna-tiles and food.

  • Monday– we took a trip to Costco
  • Tuesday– we went to spend the day with my sister and nephew
  • Wednesday– too cold to go out, so we baked chocolate chip cookies.  Then we licked the batter and ate them 🙂
  • Thursday– DH was able to stay home, so he took DS1 to Wal-Mart
  • Friday– cooking for Shabbos

I know these activities aren’t the most fun and I really feel bad that we couldn’t do something more exciting together.  I guess even though I am not working at the moment, having a newborn doesn’t allow for much freedom either.  Hope things will be better next year when the boys are a little older.

Since I’m still getting used to not having any sleep, I decided that we are having Chinese food for Friday night.  I think this is the first time we’ve done this since we got married and for some reason, I’m really looking forward to it.  Easy and I know we’ll all like it.  So here’s the whole menu-

Friday Night (from the Chinese food store):

  • Sweet and sour chicken
  • Beef lo mein
  • General tzo’s chicken
  • Rice

Shabbos Lunch:

For dessert we will be having the chocolate chip cookies we made on Wednesday… I immediately put them into the freezer so that I wouldn’t eat all of them before Shabbos.  Not sure if we will be having soup Friday night, but I don’t think we will since the kids don’t really eat soup.

Hoping to get back into preparing for Shabbos next week, but until then, this will have to do.

Are you having anything new this Shabbos?

Until next time,