I’m so excited that we’re having company this Shabbos. Because of our busy schedules it doesn’t happen often, so when it does, it’s a nice change of pace. Here’s what we’re having:
Friday Night:
- Sushi (special treat from our guests)
- Brisket
- Spanish rice
- Bourekas
- Broccoli kugel
Shabbos Lunch:
- Gefilte fish
- Cholent
- Kishka
- Butternut squash kugel
- Deli
Shalosh Seudos:
- Egg salad
- Tuna salad
- Fruit soup
The food prep went pretty quickly (for me) since DH did a lot of the cooking. He took care of the brisket, rice, gefilte fish and cholent. I made the kugels and the bourekas, kishka, and deli were store-bought. The fruit soup was pulled out of the freezer- that was the easiest part.
While it’s exciting to have company, it’s not so exciting to do all the prep work. Things I still have to do include changing the linen, setting the table, showering, figuring out what the kids will be eating for dinner, etc… so many things, so little time. It’s times like these I’m so grateful I can work from home on Fridays.
Have good Shabbos and a very happy Mother’s Day!
Until next time,