Shabbos Menu Plan- P’ Shemini (April 20-21)

I love the fact that most blogs I read post their dinner menu plan for the week (check out to see what I mean). I tried to jump on board and do the same, but my weekly menus were all the same- leftovers, frozen fish, pizza. Nothing new and nothing exciting, so I didn’t participate.

The only menu planning I do is for Shabbos, so I’m starting a new series called “Shabbos Menu Plan.” Each week I’ll post my Shabbos menu (with links where possible) and encourage my readers to do the same. You can post your menu plan or link to your menu plan blog post in the comments section (or we can get fancy with a linky thing in the future).

We have very simple Shabbos meals, but we try to change it up every week, unlike our weekly dinners. Let me know if you try anything new (and easy)!

So, without further ado, here’s what we’re having this week:

Friday Night
Roast chicken with potatoes
Cous Cous (the 5-minute variety)
Shabbos Lunch
Chicken and Wild Rice Bake
Broccoli kugel (from the freezer)
Baked sweet potatoes

Both meals will start with gefilte fish and end with store-bought dessert- yet to be determined.

What are you having for Shabbos?  Please feel free to comment- I’d love to know your thoughts!

Until next time,