I know my Shabbos menus have been MIA lately. I’ve been busy at work on Friday’s and our menus were really nothing all that special… but I guess that was my point in posting them. I wanted to show everyone that you don’t need a fancy menu to have a nice Shabbos. You can make it easy shmeasy (like I do) and still have quality time with your family. Of course I wish I could have a fancy meal, but I just don’t have the time to prepare one, so we make do with what we have.
Here’s what we’re having this week:
Friday Night:
- Gefilte Fish
- Hawaiin Chicken (store-bought sauce with canned pineapple chunks)
- Zucchini Kugel
- Beans and Rice (I make it in my rice cooker, not slow cooker- faster that way… I also only put in only one can of beans and a can of corn)
Shabbos Lunch:
- Gefilte Fish
- Meatloaf
- Same kugel and rice as Friday night
It’s a little lazy that I’m only making two side dishes, but I just don’t have the energy for more. I wish I did, because we might not have enough leftovers for the week. I guess we’ll see what happens.
Hope you all have a good Shabbos!
Until next time,