Sharing Responsibilities with Daycare

Returning to work after having a baby can be so emotional.  For the first 13 weeks of DS3’s life, I never left his side. We went everywhere together and I was always the one taking care of him.  Now that I returned to work I have to give up a little bit of my mommy-hood and share it with his daycare provider.

While it is a relief to know that our daycare is awesome, I still have that mommy guilt of knowing that what they are doing is really my job.  I should be changing his diapers and taking care of his feedings.  I should be the one giving him tummy time and being the first to see all of his “firsts.”

This is our third son in daycare and honestly, it doesn’t really get easier.  You just forget how you felt until you feel it again.  I know the way we are living is the right choice for us, but I do still dream of one day winning the lottery so things would be easier and I can pick and choose which tasks I want to do and which ones I want to farm out to others.  Who doesn’t have this dream?

In the meantime I will be grateful for what I do have.  I have a great job, a wonderful family and all I could ever need.  I have to just appreciate the time I have with my family a little more than others, since we have so little time together.

Until next time,