Shavuos 2014 Recap

I have been so busy!  I can’t belive we were home for Shavuos and I didn’t even post my menu.  I was really proud of it.  Keeping with what works for me, it was super simple, yet super festive.  I even had time to buy flowers for our yom tov table.

Of course DS1 had off from school on Erev Shavuos.  Don’t even get me started.  Yom tov didn’t even start until after 8pm here.  Anyway, since he was home, I took the day off and spent it doing fun stuff-  cooking and cleaning.

Okay, maybe that’s not exactly what you’d consider fun, but it needed to get done.  After a little cooking and cleaning I put away four loads of laundry.  Our house was actually really neat by the time DH came home from work.

So, since I like keeping track of my menus, here’s what we had this past Shavuos:

Night 1

  • Turkey loaf (from mom)
  • Glazed carrots
  • Bourekas (store-bought)

Day 1

  • Salmon
  • Cheese blintzes (store-bought)
  • Veggies

Night 2

  • Falafel

Day 2

  • Schnitzel
  • Couscous
  • Sweet potatoes and leftover glazed carrots

When we first decided to stay home I was so worried- two super long days without any electronics.  In the end it was the perfect holiday.  I set my expectations accordingly.  I tried to keep us on schedule, but didn’t get all uptight when things went off course.  And most of all, I just really tried to appreciate the time with my family.

How did you manage over Shavuos?

Until next time,