Shavuos is Coming! All 3 days of it…

I cannot believe Shavuos is here!  We were pretty good about our prep and made our entire menu plan on Sunday.  We also did the bulk of the shopping then too.  DH even made a quiche and meatballs!  I feel like we’re prepared!

I’m not so nervous about food for this long holiday because I plan on leaving my oven on.  Yay Shabbos mode :).  What I am worried about is having it be a restful weekend.  I remember the last time Shavuos fell out this way.  Everyone came back to work refreshed and rested and I needed another vacation!

I know this will be a long 3 days, but I am looking forward to it!  I just want to relax and spend time with my family.

For those of you wondering, this is our menu plan for Shavuos.  I’m trying out a new grocery app – BigOven (free version) and so far, it’s ok.  I still miss Ziplist, but I’m trying new things.

shavuosMenuBasically, with this app you can add recipes to the menu plan as well as notes.  When you add the days of the menu plan to your grocery list it will add the ingredients for the recipe as well as any notes you put in.  So, in this menu plan, something like “deli” is entered as a note, since there is no recipe for it and it gets added to my shopping list.  This is a feature that I love and wasn’t in Ziplist.  The downside to this app is that I don’t find the grocery list as easy to use as Ziplist.  It doesn’t auto-fill and doesn’t categorize your groceries as accurately.

If you need help menu planning and digital is not for you, try out my 3-day menu planner.  It’s from Succos but can be used for any 3 day yom tov!

So, as you can see we’re having plenty of repeaters and mostly easy dishes.  We aren’t having company for any of the meals – it’s just way more than I can handle right now, but I do plan on making some afternoon play dates for my kids.  We have plenty of snacks and I just bought some new outdoor toys for everyone to play with (so the weather better cooperate!).

Wishing you all a wonderful yom tov!!

Until next time,