DS3 is almost 1 year old. I can hardly believe an entire year has passed since his birth! B”H he is a very active boy. He loves to climb the stairs, dump all the toys out of their containers and especially loves to laugh and smile, K”H. Anyway, now that his first birthday is coming up, I am wondering if it’s time to stop nursing him.
With my other boys, I nursed them until they were around 7 months old. The time just seemed right and it was getting really hard to continue nursing them. With DS3, things are different. He’s such a baby compared to his brothers. He nurses so well and hardly ever bites me. I nurse him when he wakes up and then again when he goes to bed. The nursing thing is working out for me! But when will he be “too old” for it?
I’m lucky that I had a long maternity leave and was able to nurse exclusively for 3 months. I was also super lucky that my work provided me with a private lactation room (they now call it the “new mother’s room”) with a hospital-grade pump when I returned to work. None of my co-workers even noticed me leaving two times a day for 20 minutes. While I don’t pump anymore I just don’t know when I’ll stop nursing. I love that I don’t have too many bottles to wash.
I don’t think I’m the type to nurse for too much longer, but I’m just putting this out there since it’s been on my mind lately. I’m not going to make any decisions right now, I’ll just wait and see how things go.
How long did you nurse your babies for? What made you stop? Did you decide to stop or did your baby make that decision for you?
Until next time,