A Day in My Life – The Evening

I already shared what my mornings are like, so now it’s time to update you on my evenings. I’ve previously posted on how I handle the evening rush and things haven’t really changed all that much.  I still follow the same routine, but now that my kids are older my …

Rushing Through Life

I feel like my life is always in a rush. I rush in the morning to get dressed and out of the house. I rush to get everyone to school on time. I rush to get to work on time. I rush to do my work so I can leave …

Bedtime with a Toddler

I think the author of this article was a fly on our wall!  This is exactly how bedtime in our home (kids ages 4, 3, 1) goes.  All 100 steps. How to Put a Toddler to Bed in 100 Easy Steps {link} My favorite one that I thought only happens …

How We Got Rid of the Pacifier

Remember when I told you how much I miss my son’s pacifier and how hard it was for me to have him give it up?  Well, after less than two weeks of sleeping without a pacifier I’m glad to report that we’ve fallen back into our regular bedtime routine sans …

I Miss My Son’s Pacifier

Had I known how hard it would be to wean a child off of a pacifier I’m not sure I ever would’ve started.  Let’s just say that after 3 nights of “sleep training” my almost 3 year old, I understand why it’s called a pacifier. Our bedtime routines have gone …