tAPPing into Tech: Jewish Apps

Tapping into Tech is where I review my favorite apps and tell you why they are super awesome for working moms. Here are 5 of my favorite Jewish apps that make Jewish living easier and more accessible for me. 1.  JStream JStream is my go-to Jewish music app.  I don’t …

DIY: Hadlakas Neiros Tefila

One of my favorite wedding gifts was a glass statuette with the tefilla a woman says after hadlakas neiros (candle lighting).  It was something I used every week and adorned the small spot on our buffet next to my candlesticks. Well, after having 3 rambunctious boys, said gift fell on …

Embracing the 2014 Holiday Season

The holiday season is all around us.  My office building lobby looks like Christmas threw up.  Trees, lights, and tinsel are EVERYWHERE! In the past I didn’t mind it as much, because we have Chanuka, so getting into the ‘holiday spirit’ was in line with my religion too.  But this …

Religion-Life Balance: Tisha B’av

http://www.templeinstitute.org/gallery_32.htm I’ve been thinking a lot about next Tuesday, Tisha B’av.  The serious days on the Jewish calendar always pose a challenge for me. I find it hard to focus on the meaning of the day since I still have to take care of everything else that goes on in …

Modestly Dressed

Dressing modestly is becoming increasingly hard for me as time goes on.  I haven’t worked in a Jewish environment for quite some time, so there’s always that temptation of wanting to dress like everyone else.  Don’t worry- I’m not talking about showing too much skin, but in this hot weather, …