My New Look (in progress)

The ladies in my office are so fashionable! I totally want to dress like them (and be a size 2 like them too!), but I just don’t have a fashion gene in me. I’m slowly working on updating my look and finally got rid of one full garbage bag of …

What am I Wearing?

Sometimes I get to work, look at myself in the mirror and wonder, “what on earth am I wearing?!?!” Our morning routine is so rushed, that I really don’t spend all that much time getting dressed.  I put on whatever I think is clean and presentable “enough” and just really …

Modestly Dressed

Dressing modestly is becoming increasingly hard for me as time goes on.  I haven’t worked in a Jewish environment for quite some time, so there’s always that temptation of wanting to dress like everyone else.  Don’t worry- I’m not talking about showing too much skin, but in this hot weather, …

Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air and with every new season, I like new makeup. So, on my lunch break I visited the MAC counter. Since getting married, I only bought makeup once. I miss the excitement that comes with getting all dressed up with different colors. I really wanted a …

It fits!

My skinny skirt.  It’s the skirt that fits when I’m at my skinniest.  It was staring at me from the closet.  How badly I wanted to wear it.  I was scared to put it on, fearing the very worst. I took it off the hanger and decided that it was time …