Baked Chicken Eggrolls

It’s always a challenge to get someone to eat those small pieces of leftover chicken.  I really hate having to throw it out so what I love about this recipe is that I can save all my leftover chicken in the freezer and when I have enough, I just defrost …

Inside Out Apple Crisp

Happy Chanuka everyone!  This post is part of a Chanukah Blog Party!  See below for links to the party and info on how to enter the GIVEAWAY!  {Giveaway has now been closed} While thinking of traditional freezer-friendly Chanuka foods, I also thought how interesting it would be to think outside …

Potato Knish Kugel

This is another recipe I found on a forum and adapted it to make it (in my opinion) easier to make.  It’s more steps than I usually like to make in my cooking expeditions, but I got 3 9″ round kugels out of it, which in my opinion makes it …

Vegetable Soup

I found this recipe on Facebook and love it.  I made a whole 8-quart pot, froze some of it and can’t wait to eat the rest!

Easy Zucchini Kugel

Although I love the zucchini kugel recipe I used to make, it was two steps. I had to boil the zucchini and then add all the other ingredients. It wasn’t hard, but annoying to make. It also didn’t freeze well.  Imagine a pan full of water.  Ewww. The main reason …