Pesach… It’s Coming!

Pesach- whether you love it or dread it it’s coming!  I think this is the first year that Pesach has been on my mind since even before Purim.  I already bought sippy cups, determined which clothes the kids will wear and thought about when we’ll have the cars cleaned.  I …

Purim is Coming!

There is only one more Sunday before Purim, which means that we’ll be busy next week!  We haven’t planned our Shalach Manos yet and at this rate, I don’t think we’ll be doing a cute theme.  We’ll just have to settle with our last minute, throw snacks in a bag …

A Meaningful Yom Kippur

When I was in high school I hated that we always had to learn about every holiday.  I didn’t really understand the importance of it.  I was always in a frum environment, was super aware of upcoming holidays and the customs that came along with it. Fast forward a “few” …