A New Kind of Mom-Guilt

Mom guilt comes in waves and you never know what will cause it. It could come when you compare yourself to others, see your kids struggling, or when you find yourself not managing the home front very well. Lately though I’ve been feeling mom guilt for a new reason. I’ve …

All Kids Misbehave

Whenever my kids misbehave my first thought is that it’s because I don’t spend enough time with them.  If I were home more, these things wouldn’t happen. If only I would read more to them… If only I would give them healthier snacks… If only I would encourage them to …

Dismissal Mom-Guilt

I always have  a huge dose of mom-guilt when I pick up my kids from school/daycare. Being able to send DS1 to yeshiva is such a blessing, but it also comes with many challenges.  He ends school at 4pm, so we have a babysitter pick him up.  There’s just no …