I Made it Through Purim Week!

Wow, I’m so happy I made it through last week! Snow, fast day, Purim festivities and more snow made my work week so stressful in terms of getting everything done and making childcare arrangements. Monday was a late start due to snow, Tuesday was DS’s Purim play (I couldn’t be …

Purim is Coming!

There is only one more Sunday before Purim, which means that we’ll be busy next week!  We haven’t planned our Shalach Manos yet and at this rate, I don’t think we’ll be doing a cute theme.  We’ll just have to settle with our last minute, throw snacks in a bag …

Purim 2013- Our Shalach Manos

I was never really into themed Shalach Manos until I realized how easy it could be.  You don’t have to do anything elaborate and your theme can include only two items if you want it to. Since we’ve been married, DH has been dying to give out Diet Coke and …

Purim is Here!

Happy Purim! I know it isn’t Purim until tomorrow, but since I’m taking the day off, I probably won’t have time to blog 😉 DH and I are both working on Ta’anis Esther, so tonight will be busy. My kids are still too young to go to Shul, so for …