Is it possible to send kids to yeshiva and work full-time?
I get home at about 6pm everyday and don’t know what we’re going to do with DS1 next year. Right now both kids are in a non-Jewish daycare and I don’t think DS1 can go back next year. Well, he can, but I don’t want him to. He’s already “different” with his kosher food and long hair, but next year is a whole different ball game with a kippa and tzitzis. He’s too young to feel like the odd one out and I want him to love doing these mitzvos without being self-conscious.
I’m a big fan of daycare for a number of reasons and never felt comfortable with a babysitter in my house. So, what’s a mom to do when school ends at 4pm??
As I see it, here are my options:
- Find a mom to take him home every day and watch him
- Get a babysitter in the house for after school
- Use school aftercare (not sure if this is an option for a 3 year old)
- Cut my work hours so I can be available (I would LOVE to do this, but don’t think we can afford it right now, so even though I listed it as an option, it isn’t a realistic option {insert sad smiley face here})
I don’t like any of these options (except #4, which isn’t really an option). I have no idea what we’re going to do and for now, I’m just freaking out a bit. Although I love the idea of homeschooling, it is not something I can/want to do right now. Plus, DH isn’t a fan.
I apologize in advance. I will probably be posting a lot on this dilemma. It is on the forefront of my mind and I won’t be able to calm down until all arrangements are made and settled.
So, for now, my plan of attack is this:
- Keep in touch with other parents who are in the same boat. Maybe we can come up with a good solution that works for all of us. Teamwork!
- Attend open houses for schools and keep on top of registration deadlines. I already scheduled tours of the local schools and plan on networking at these events to see what other parents do. I will also ask the pre-school directors what other parents do and find out more information on aftercare programs.
I cannot possibly be the only one in this situation! So, please tell me I’m not the only one. How do other working parents manage?
Until next time,